Gliding across the Gobi

Sản xuất bởi: Khác    |    Mã sản phẩm: 1000737581    |    Tình trạng: còn hàng

Giá bán: 178,000₫

Giá thị trường: 240,000₫

Tiết kiệm: 26%

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  • Địa chỉ mua hàng
  • Giao hàng toàn quốc
  • Miễn phí vận chuyển nội thành
  • Thanh toán tại nhà

- Thông tin liên hệ: 0988 123 456 - 0921 999 333
- Địa chỉ kho hàng: 65 Trần Quốc Hoàn,Quận Tân Bình,Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Stretch 3: Workbook

When you stretch to reach new goals, you need support. Stretch provides a comprehensive support system and a unique 6 skills approach to help students meet their personal, academic and professional goals. Stretch is a four-level integrated skills course that supports students to reach their full potential. In addition to explicit and supportive instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing, Stretch offers a focus on practical viewing and presenting skills. Presenting skills instill confidence in public speaking. Viewing skills use BBC Worldwide Learning videos to teach media literacy for 21st-century success. The skills practiced in Stretch are chosen to reflect the CEFR can-do statements and help students achieve success on standardized tests such as TOEICRG.

Stretch 3: Workbook

When you stretch to reach new goals, you need support. Stretch provides a comprehensive support system and a unique 6 skills approach to help students meet their personal, academic and professional goals. Stretch is a four-level integrated skills course that supports students to reach their full potential. In addition to explicit and supportive instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing, Stretch offers a focus on practical viewing and presenting skills. Presenting skills instill confidence in public speaking. Viewing skills use BBC Worldwide Learning videos to teach media literacy for 21st-century success. The skills practiced in Stretch are chosen to reflect the CEFR can-do statements and help students achieve success on standardized tests such as TOEICRG.

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